I got this recipe from my sister-in-law and it is to die for! Banana bread is a long time favorite in my house and this recipe won us all over....even...
This is the best banana bread I've ever tasted. It's always moist and tasty. I got the recipe from the Vanderbilt Medical Student Mates Cookbook. Preheat...
I love this recipe because it tastes homemade but it's a cinch to make. It's also a great base recipe that can be easily customized to fit your family's...
This is FABULOUS...YUMMO! There are 3 steps to this Amish Friendship Cake Starter... There is the Initial Amish Starter, The Secondary Starter, and The...
I got this from a recipe club I was in.It is the only banana bread my family will let me make.We prefer it without nuts,but it is great with chopped pecans...
I actually abandoned my "family" banana bread in favor of this one... It's more a like a cake than a bread. I have increased the bananas from the original...
I had a whole bunch of apples recently and needed to use them up so I took a zucchini bread recipe that I had and switched it up a but. What I got is a...
I found these online and am storing them here to try very soon. They look like they'd be fabulous with fresh blueberries! Plus each muffins contains only...
This Irish soda bread recipe was passed on to me by a dear friend of my mother's who was born and raised in Ireland. It's the best Irish soda bread I have...
The perfect size for one or two people when baked in two mini loaf pans. Eat one now and store one for later. Freezes very well. Tastes best when tightly...
This recipe is a cultural staple in the Bahamas and throughout the Caribbean and is a family favorite(one which I have tweaked a bit over the years to...
This is my alternate bran muffin recipe when I don't have sour cream on hand for recipe #307011. This is also very delicious and easy to make. Found on...
This is a moist, delicious banana bread i have been baking for a long time. I like to make large banana muffins to take to work. By making muffins, you...
Wonderful breakfast, brunch, or mid-morning snack. This recipe is very versatile. Any kind of cereal works, and you can substitute dried fruit and/or nuts...
You need a cup of live yeast starter for this. There are good sourdough starter recipes on Zaar. Important Note: Don't use metal spoons or equipment. Do...
I've used the box mix for years but really longed for a more moist muffin (but not as wet as spoon bread). Last night I added in some sour cream and some...
My father got muffins from a tenant of his (who happens to be a chef). My mom made my dad ask the chef if he would write down the recipe for her Then,...
These are muffins from a health spa in California. There is NO added sugar. The sole purpose of these muffins is to increase your fiber intake without...
This eggless banana bread recipe uses milk/buttermilk as substitute. You can also use soy milk if you like. This egg free banana bread is very quick, fuss...
This is one of my all time favorite muffin recipes! --- you can substitute one large finely chopped apple for the nuts, increase the spices if desired...
These classic cornbread muffins are oh-so easy to make! And best of all, you will probably already have almost all of the ingredients on hand! Just pick...
I can't believe this isn't already posted. This is a super easy way to make cornbread fast. Keep this in your pantry and all you will need to add is some...
Yummy muffins pack a nutritious punch in the morning, great for a healthy grab-n-go breakfast. You can alter this recipe any way you like and with what...
This recipe was originally posted by a Zaar member who is no longer active. When she left, this recipe went "up for adoption." Since I was a huge fan of...
Very easy, savory cornbread recipe using jiffy cornbread mix. Can add 1/4 cup sliced green onions if desired. If you don't like too much spice, add less...